A Life Passed By is a personal piece with a universal message. I recently lost my grandmother to leukemia and I want to encompass how time is passed by through different ways and speeds. There will be four different videos some have time passing really slowly others are very rapid and constantly looping. I want this to be projected onto a site that is full of life and vibrant colors and people. The site of the piece is still to be determined because I don't know the legal implications of public projections. My original thought was a graveyard, but I think the juxtaposition of the concept of death and time passing by to a lively surface will provide more interest to myself and the viewer to have to interrogate the piece. My life has been filled with "frictional dichotomies" and this is one interpretation of that the lively against the deadly.

DSLR Camera
March 22, 2019: Footage Collected/Recorded
March 30, 2019: Installation @ TBD
April 4, 2019: Critique
Process Post #1 (March 26)
I began struggling to think of a location and how to deal with the desire to have the time lapse of tobacco growing. I decided against the tobacco time lapse and instead found an old piece of footage from a drive through Georgia with my Grandma when I was moving into my sophomore year of college. The sunset was just right as we were going down I-95 and I had to capture it.
Process Post #2 (April 1)
I found a Generator! My biggest problem with location was that I couldn't figure out an energy source for my project. I was going to project in Seminole Heights on this community board they have on Florida Ave because Seminole Heights has really been a victim of time and the vicious cycles of gentrification its gone through.
Process Post #3 (April 3)
I guess the generator was an April Fools joke on me. The generator I had intended on using did not work. So, I began to work through the spaces in my own home that is over 100 years old in Historic Hyde Park might have. I came to the conclusion of the bathroom. It is very small and not functional, but it has a claw foot tub. The claw foot tub its self is a style that has reemerged in recent years, but more importantly the bathroom is reminiscent of my the bathroom on the old homestead on my grandparents property in North Carolina.
Artist Statement
I made Time Passed By with personal intentions in hopes of it bringing a universal message. The imagery present is a cup of coffee being sipped slowly, a beautiful view of Capitol Hill at sunset that is abruptly disturbed at the end, a gently drive down the road into the sunset, and a simple image from Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam. The imagery is meant to juxtapose one another. The slow sipping of the coffee, the abruption of Capitol Hill, the consistency of driving down the highway, and the image that has withstood time from Michelangelo. We all experience the passing of time and the roller coaster that it is, and I think in part the bathroom provides a universal understanding of the human concept. My bathroom in particular is over 100 years old with its antique claw foot tub and chipped paint walls holds a personal message but further continues the message of time to any viewer. The viewer wants to sit in the tub, but once they do the images become distorted or blocked. A message that we as the viewer are a part of time not just simply a viewer to life but immersed in it just as much as the imagery themselves.